Benefits to the Community
We provide programming in Kanyen’keha:ka through stories, songs, interactions, activities and real life conversations so the language has a chance to live and emerge.
We provide employment opportunities for individuals who acquire high levels of speaking proficiency in Kanyen’keha.
We provide learners and their families with language learning resources and opportunities to give them the tools to fully engage in the process of their own individual language learning, thereby increasing learner speaking proficiency

To ensure that our graduates are confident, and capable of reaching their true potential as Haudenosaunee
Through programming that encourages a life-long love of learning…

We will reconnect our children with Mother Earth.
We will renew our identity as Kanyen’keha:ka.

We will renew our relationship with traditional foods to improve our health & longevity.
We will meet the needs of our students body, mind and spirit.